Urban Transformation in Turkey: A Precautionary Revolution against Corona

Urban Transformation in Turkey: A Precautionary Revolution against Corona

Urban transformation in Turkey


During the last ten years, Turkey witnessed an unparalleled real estate revolution in the world, where the rate of construction of projects increased twice, and huge cities were created in areas that were until recently remote and completely absent from the urban map, in addition to providing various parts of the country with transportation networks, bridges, roads and railways Within a scheme that the government called the urban transformation.

Among the new cities that the Turkish state has given a great deal of space in its transformational strategy, the medical cities especially in the economic capital of the country "Istanbul", where many medical cities were established, on top of which is the largest medical city in the world, "Basaksehir" and once this type of this necessary project is launched, the rush for buying property in Istanbul  in adjacent to the medical districts has increased due to the importance of treatment and health facilities in human life.

And foreigners who want to buy property in Turkey, in turn, are primarily asking about real estate projects near the hospital centers. On this basis, the Turkish construction companies focus on building property in Turkey in Istanbul close to health buildings and clinics.

And like all medical cities in the world, the primary goal in the beginning of its construction in Turkey and Istanbul in particular was to expand the capacity of patients to absorb and provide greater opportunities for medication and treatment in a comfortable way, but after the emergence of the Corona pandemic and its spread in the whole world, Turkey found in medical cities a strong fortress to besiege the disease and protect the Turks and residents on its soil from complications of the deadly emerging virus, given the volume of equipment provided by the newly constructed medical cities in Istanbul.

And the medical cities where buying property in Istanbul in its outskirts became a demand especially in projects that are suitable to obtain Turkish passport .

And these medical cities, which were established in the context of the urban transformation in Istanbul since the beginning of the crisis of the new Coronavirus, played a prominent and active pivotal role in besieging the epidemic and preventing its spread by taking care of many patients and providing the most necessary treatment services for patients.

Medical cities are distinguished by the fact that they provide high-quality services that have the ability to provide solutions to the most complex health crises through great capabilities that perform the task in a short time.

Until the writing of this article, Turkey has established two medical cities, while the third Medical City will come into service in May 2020, and the fourth city will be accomplished with distinguished international standards.

Every medical city that currently contributes to the task of preventing the spread of the Corona epidemic has a name that commemorates a certain memory:

  • kartal Dr.Lutfi Kirdar Medical City: The city, which has a capacity of 1105 beds, was built as a result of a cooperation agreement between the Turkish Ministry of Health and the authorities of Istanbul State, which opened in March of the year 2019.
  • Dr. Cemil Tascioglu Medical City:  the medical city which was opened by President Tayyip Recep Erdogan on March 30, 2020 was named after Dr. Cemil Tascioglu and the name came in commemoration of the first doctor who lost his life in Turkey while performing his professional and humanitarian duty while treating patients with the Coronavirus.
  • Basaksehir-Ikitelli Medical City: It is the third medical city in Istanbul and the largest in the world with an area of one million square meters and is being opened in the month of April 2020 with a capacity of 2682 beds and 456 intensive care units distributed across 8 different hospitals, 708 specialized treatment clinics and 90 Operating room with world-class standards, not to mention providing the medical city with insulators that are resistant to all types of seismic activities, ensuring medical service even at the time of earthquakes.
  • It is expected that the medical city of Basaksehir will begin work with all its medical staff next May.
  • You can read more about the medical city of Basaksehir and the advantages of buying property in Istanbul along the medical city of Basaksehir by clicking here.
  • Goztepe Medical City: It is the fourth medical city that is being worked on to establish it as it will be one of the largest medical cities that contain the most recent hospitals in Turkey, as it is expected that its absorptive capacity in the first phase of its launch will be 597 beds, 27 operating rooms and 91 beds for intensive care and that by September 2020.

The Medical City of Goztepe will also include 224 specialized clinics, 186 single rooms and 160 double rooms, in addition to the construction of an anti-seismic security system consisting of 385 seismic isolators that prevent the suspension of operational activities of hospitals during the occurrence of earthquakes and also reduces the damage caused by that.

The medical cities built in Turkey have demonstrated once again that the construction revolution that the government launched and has paid off in times of crisis and was a strong precautionary measure against health shocks before being hospitals for daily treatment or routine medical insurance.

Those who know about real estate affairs believe that buying property in Turkey near health facilities is a benefit for the investor and the best way to double the money due to the high prices of properties near the medical centers due to the increasing and continuous demand for them.