Turkey initiates a proposal to grant dual citizenship to Pakistanis:

Turkey initiates a proposal to grant dual citizenship to Pakistanis:

مقترح لمنح الجنسية المزدوجة لمواطني باكستان

Turkey has initiated a proposal for Pakistan to sign an agreement allowing citizens of both countries to obtain dual citizenship during a meeting that brought together the Turkish ambassador in Pakistan, "İhsan Mustafa Yurdakul", representing the Turkish government with the Pakistani Minister of Interior "Ijaz Ahmed Shah" in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, according to a statement published by the Ministry of Interior Pakistani.

The published statement stated that the Pakistani government is studying an expanded plan that will give fruitful results soon in relation to the progress of the signing of the agreement on granting dual citizenship to citizens of Pakistan and Turkey in response to the Turkish proposal, where a draft was submitted to the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs to participate in the preparation of the terms of the agreement to be signed as soon as possible between Islamabad and Ankara.

The proposal aimed at the actual implementation submitted by the Turkish Ambassador to the Pakistani Minister of Interior is one of the great steps considering that Pakistan is one of the countries that tightens the procedures for obtaining dual citizenship and only makes it available in exceptional cases and certain circumstances related mainly to the steady growth in the percentage of Pakistani expatriates in the Middle East, Europe and America This prompted the state to include several amendments to the naturalization law that allow the citizen to acquire a second nationality in specific cases, most notably that the citizen who acquires the second nationality is under the age of 21.

Pakistan and Turkey, whose president, Tayyip Recep Erdoğan, is expected to visit Islamabad soon, have unconditional, distinctive, and long-standing historical ties that goes back to the "1947" period, at which time Ankara has printed the Pakistani currency, "Rupiah", since the first months of its launch, in addition to Ankara's great support for Islamabad In the region of Jammu and Kashmir, where in 2018 it contributed to preventing American and British efforts to include Pakistan in the list of countries that have failed to limit terrorist financing in the region.

A move that the Pakistanis met at the time with a broad support campaign for the "Turkish lira" by buying currency across the country after the United States imposed unilateral sanctions against two Turkish ministers in August of 2018.

It is striking in the relations between the two countries that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the only foreign person who managed to participate three times in a joint session of the Pakistani parliament in the following years (2009, 2012 and 2016).

The cooperation between Ankara and Islamabad in the economic field enjoys a great position, as it witnessed the signing of several agreements. In the field of energy alone, the leading Turkish company "Zulu Energy Holding" was established in 2018 to generate electricity by launching a solar energy project with a capacity of 100 megawatts in the park of the "Great Leader Solar" In the Bahawalpur district of Punjab, one of the largest provinces of Pakistan.


In the defense sector, the Turkish "Tusas" Company for Air and Space Industries signed one of its largest agreements with the Pakistani Ministry of Defense in July 2018 stipulating providing it with 30 tactical reconnaissance helicopters, "Attack" T129 in addition to several contracts related to reserve materials, logistics, training and ammunition.