Top five touristic sites in Tekirdağ Turkey | Al Huda Real Estate

Top five touristic sites in Tekirdağ Turkey

أهم خمسة أماكن سياحية في تكيرداغ التركية

Turkey is considered today’s favorite destination for Arabs and foreign tourists in general, as it has the #most_beautiful_touristic_sites_in_the_world. Turkey is also a favorite destination for foreign investors who are interested in the market of #real_estate_in_turkey and willing to #purchase_apartments_in_istanbul.

What considers the investor and helps him the most to decide his next step and chose the right investing environment for his project is to know the important #touristic_sites_in_turkey.

In this article we’re going to talk about #Tekirdağ_in_turkey which is located to the north west of Turkey in what’s known as Marmara’s Region.

The city of Tekirdağ lays at the shore of Marmara Sea and is only 135km away from #Istanbul city.

It is also considered one of the #best_touristic_places_in_turkey as it contains a lot of beautiful touristic areas such as:


Uçmakdere’s heights is the favorite place for those who love parachuting, this area is characterized with its outstanding natural landscapes where the sea meets the green heights and that’s what makes parachuting in it as exciting as it is, which you can enjoy doing anytime you want.

Museum of archeology and ethnography:

This museum is located at the Vali Konak palace, and consists of four halls that show monuments of 4500 BC, the Byzantine and Romanian periods and Ottoman exhibits.

Hora Feneri “lighthouse”:

This lighthouse is found at the entrance of Hasköy which is 20km away from Şarköy and affiliated to its judiciary.

Hora feneri was built in 1861 AD by the order of the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Majeed, the lighthouse is 20m high and constructed with iron pieces that can make 360 degrees turn around itself.

Tourists attends it from around the world to take some photos beside it and enjoy the amazing views that surrounds it.

Şarköy village:

It is located to the west south of Tekirdağ on the cost of Marmara Sea and is considered one of the #most_beautiful_touristic_places_in_turkey.

And it has the longest sea cost in Turkey where it extends on a 60km long area. In the year 2006 Şarköy’s cost was given a certificate by the environmental education foundation which’s headquarter is located in England, this international certificate is usually given for the environmentally safe beaches.

Rakoczi Museum:

This museum was originally the house of the Hungarian Prince Francis II Rákóczi who’d escaped from the Austrians to the Ottoman Empire and lived in it between 1676_1735 AD. The house was transformed into a museum in 1932 AD that shows the Prince’s private collectibles and his historical documents and manuscripts.