Post mega projects in istanbul

Turkish_government spent billions of dollars for #infrastructure, #housing, #transportation and #re-urbanisation in Istanbul. All these mega projects make istanbul more attractive for #investors, people from all over the world want to invest in #turkey, specially in #istanbul city.
There are some #mega_projects that will be finished/planned in future:
1. New airport which is the biggest airport in the world costed 47 billion usd
2. 3rd continental bridge on #Bosphorus
3. North Marmara Motorway
4. 2 big new cities in Istanbul, housing 1 million residents in each
5. Marmaray underwater metro & train tunnel under Bosphorus
6. #Canal_Istanbul project which will be one of the biggest in the world
7. High speed intercity train network
8. new #metro projects all over Istanbul
9. Marmara Ring high speed train circle which will connect all cities of Marmara region
10. One of the world longest bridge on both side of Mamara_Sea