A Document you should never forget while buying a property in Turkey

A Document you should never forget while buying a property in Turkey

buying a property in Turkey

Your arrival at the signature of the title deed, a valid end according to the rules and customs of buying a property in Turkey, but did you ensure a sound start to all the steps of the process? Are all necessary documents fulfilled in the apartment which has become its new owner?

Asking this question during the completion of the purchase process is a very wrong timing, you are obligated to know all the merits of the process of buying apartments in Turkey before going into this important big step that may later turn into an effective and lasting source of your wealth, as proven by all the experiences of former investors in Turkey who have presented Yesterday to buy apartments in Turkey or own other properties of various kinds, and today they are becoming one of the most famous real estate dealers in Istanbul, for example.

Among the most important documents for licensing the purchase of property in Turkey, in addition to the real estate evaluation, we find the energy identity that has emerged recently, especially at the beginning of the year 2020, as it was unheard of before, and perhaps most newcomers to offers to sell apartments in Turkey are unaware of what they are This document and what is its importance and mechanism for obtaining it?


Definition of energy identity document:

Energy identity, or as it is called in Turkish EKB, is an official document issued by the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources or one of its departments, specializing in assessing the building's efficiency in terms of energy consumption and the extent of ensuring environmental protection from gas emissions by evaluating both the efficiency of heating and cooling systems, Building thermal insulation properties, energy consumption rate and greenhouse gas emissions.


Duration of validity of the energy identity document

The validity period of the energy identity document for the property in Turkey is estimated at ten years, which can be renewed from the date of its issuance.

During this period, the landlord will be able to fully rent or sell his property, given the EKB license imposed in the sale and purchase transactions.


These buildings are concerned with extracting energy identity in Turkey

A mandatory decision to issue an energy identity document concerns the following types of buildings:

Residential buildings, commercial buildings for offices and companies, public buildings such as schools, hospitals and municipalities, warehouses, workshops and factories and all buildings that need more than two years of use and also an area of more than 50 square meters.

The chronology of legalization of the energy identity document


  • 2011: The issuance of the energy identity decision for the first time in Turkey, where the buildings were divided into two types, what was built before 2011 and what was built after this year where the decision obliged new buildings to issue the document while encouraging owners of old structures to obtain it.
  • The year 2017: It is considered as a warning government decision as it gave a notice to the owners of the existing buildings to issue the energy identity document within a period of two years i.e. the end of 2019 at the latest and continue issuing the EKB for modern buildings, as the decision stipulated prohibiting the rental or conducting transactions of buying and selling modern buildings before obtaining on the identity of energy in Turkey.
  • Year 2019: An alert decision issued by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources stipulating the start of stopping the licensing of sale, purchase and leasing transactions for any type of property within the modern and existing buildings before issuing the energy identity document in Turkey.
  • 2020: Acting on the actual application of a mandatory decision to obtain an energy identity document in Turkey for the relevant buildings, i.e. existing and modern.


How Energy ID Classifies Buildings

The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources in Turkey classifies buildings according to their energy efficiency to 7 levels according to the alphabet A, B, C, D, E, F, G and here it gives different assessments for specific parts of the building.

Class A rated buildings are considered to be the most efficient, while G-rated buildings are the least energy-efficient, and C-Class is the lowest rating in which the energy identity is granted in Turkey and the buildings that have it are suitable for housing.


Conditions for a building to obtain energy identity classifications:

Granting a classification for an energy identity document is subject to criteria and conditions that must be met, as follows:

  • Methods of energy delivery in the building
  • Availability of thermal insulation in the building
  • Availability of thermal insulation in windows and doors
  • Efficiency of refrigeration and heating equipment
  • How efficient lighting lights are in saving energy
  • How good the electricity and gas installation are
  • Ventilation and natural lighting emitted from the sun.


How to grant an energy identity document?

The Energy Identity Document in Turkey is granted by consulting companies called EVD (acronyms) licensed by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.

The mission of these companies is to assess energy efficiency in buildings according to the above criteria by trained and certified experts and engineers.

Obtaining the energy identity document requires the existence of the title deed of real estate, or what is known as the title deed, which is divided into several types, including those accompanying the construction stages.

It is also required to have two reports, one of them on the architectural project of the building detailing the number of floors, the exterior structure, the internal parts and the terraces, and the second report deals with the availability of thermal insulation of the exterior and interior walls, ceilings, floors, doors, windows, and others.

A third report on electrical installations, a fourth on lighting lamps, and a fifth on cooling, ventilation and solar energy, if any, are added to the previous two reports.

The cost of an energy identity document in Turkey

The cost of obtaining the energy identity document varies according to the type of buildings, their number, the total area of the property, the number of apartments in one building and generally starts from 300 Turkish liras and rises to 1000 and 2500 liras if the criteria mentioned are taken into account by the competent inspection committee.


Important notes:

A financial fine will be imposed for the construction company or any entity charged with building in the event of any tampering with the reports required to issue an energy identity in Turkey in addition to revoking the building permit for a period of five consecutive years.

Imposing a fine of 500 pounds for executing companies that are behind the deadline for completing the 30-day energy identity reports.

By the end of the year 2019, more than a million buildings in Turkey won the Energy ID document, a number that reaffirms the importance of this document and highlights at the same time the Turkish state’s keenness to go towards safer residential buildings and complexes that comply with safety standards in order to provide more comfort and create greater reassurance for foreign investors, in real estate, this sector is getting more and more attractive year after year.