Cappadocia city in turkey! | Al Huda Real Estate

Cappadocia city in turkey!

مدينة اسطنبول في يوم واحد

The charming Cappadocia area, which located in the east south the capital of turkey Ankara, lays in north of Taurus mountains, and west south of Laconia region, from north west Galatia region, and the black sea from the north.

Cappadocia very famous with its unique geological features and its ancient historical sites. The area created from Conical shape of rock formations, which been formed because of the Corrosion of volcanic ash through ages, lay next hill which around 1000-meter height from the sea, with a small peak of volcanic tops through it mostly from stone rocks.

Cappadocia is one of the ancient cities, which been listed on the list of the international culture that follows the UNESCOs org. a place been considered as one of the famous places holds a lot of attraction places for tourists and hidden underground cities which been drilled between the rock formations by time and by different civilization lived in that region. Like, #Kaymakli underground city, Derinkuyu city, and Goreme city. All the previous mentioned cities hold ancient homes, mazes caves, and some old churches. Natural chimneys are famous in the area too and been called the Gen chimneys.

The deep valleys are one of the famous touristic sites of the city like;

The red valley, which very famous with is rock slopes with the red and orange colors.

Ihlara valley, the one located on the west south of Cappadocia and very famous with its natural mixture of trees with the ancient monasteries.

Another reason for visiting Cappadocia by tourists is being a gather of multi civilization. Lovers of joy and adventure fund of visiting it for activities like riding the Airship and enjoy the sight of the city from sky.

Alhuda for real estate investment and development, and from a position seeks the satisfaction of our clients welling to #buy_proprties_in_turkey always spot a light on touristic sites in turkey, starting with Istanbul and other states of turkey and big cities. So, we can put our clients in enough knowledge of the features of the Turkish cities so his choice of #buying_a_property_in_turkey will be felicitous and successful.