The Turkish passport: The power of travel and the joy of life!

Obtaining Turkish citizenship is the goal of many who want to buy real estate in Turkey. Also, getting a Turkish passport has many advantages, especially as it is considered one of the world's most powerful passports.
One of the advantages that the Turkish passport provides is the full protection of the Turkish state for its holder. It also facilitates the entry of the person who acquired it to a large number of countries without the need for a visa or with permission upon arrival at the airport.
In the paragraph below, we introduce the types of Turkish passports and which are granted to foreigners wishing to obtain Turkish citizenship by buying apartments for sale in Turkey or making "real estate investment in Turkey" in any other type.
Types of Turkish passport
The Turkish passport is divided into several types granted to citizens according to their specializations and needs, and we will detail them as follows:
Ordinary passport
It is the red-colored Turkish passport, which the Turkish state grants to any citizen in Turkey. A foreigner who has obtained Turkish citizenship and who has benefited from a personal Turkish identity can carry it directly and benefit from its various and different advantages.
Private passport
It is the green Turkish passport granted only to senior government officials in the Turkish state.
Stamped passport
This type of Turkish passport is gray, and it has a stamp indicating that its holder is a public employee or a journalist in Turkey and other federal jobs.
Diplomatic passport
The Turkish state grants the Turkish diplomatic passport to every person working in the diplomatic corps, including ambassadors, consuls, etc.
The Turkish passport: Benefits for foreigners that only Turkey can grant
Once a foreigner holds a Turkish passport, he is about to conclude one of the most successful deals in his life for several reasons, including:
Take advantage of the Turkish passport status
Like what we mentioned previously, the foreigner holds a passport arranged 39 internationally and 18 Europeans according to what was suggested by the data of the Henley Index. It monitors passports in 199 countries based on the number of countries and territories that can be entered without the need for a visa or with an entry visa only. According to data obtained by the Union, This means that the person is lucky and will provide for himself a better life in better conditions, especially if he is from a country that is experiencing security, economic and social crises and fluctuations in many aspects.
The speed of the progress of the Turkish passport arrangement internationally
One of the few countries in the world whose passport has reached prominent positions in the global ranking is Turkey. It advanced from the 50th place in the world years ago to reach the 39th rank in a short period thanks to the jump in Turkey's tourism sector. Also, the country's remarkable development in several aspects On top of these is air transport, the export sector, infrastructure, real estate, and the strength of diplomatic relations that have brought Turkey together with many countries in the world during the last twenty years.
Countries whose Turkish passport can enter without the need for a visa
The Turkish passport allows its holder to visit more than 120 countries around the world without a visa or with an arrival visa at the airport or with an electronic visa, which increases foreigners' rush to obtain Turkish citizenship and thus benefits from its advantages. Here a foreigner who holds a Turkish passport can enter 72 countries without issuing a prior visa, and 40 states are issued permits upon entering the airport comfortably and smoothly. In comparison, eight countries can request their permissions electronically without any complications through specialized websites.
Countries that the Turkish passport holder does not need a "visa" to enter:
Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Qatar, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria, Sultanate, Oman, Albania, Argentina, Belarus, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Georgia , Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Jamaica, Japan, North Korea, Kosovo, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela.
Countries that the Turkish passport holder can use from his airport entry visa
Armenia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Sudan, Mauritania, Comoros, Djibouti, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Guinea, Madagascar, Maldives, Mozambique, Nepal, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, East Timor, Ivory Coast.
Countries that grant visas to the Turkish passport holder electronically
Mexico, Myanmar, Rwanda, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Australia
The Turkish state has reached advanced stages of negotiation with 94 countries, including 28 countries belonging to the Schengen space, i.e., the European Union, to raise visas and allow Turkish citizens to enter without a visa.
How to obtain a Turkish passport for foreigners?
For example, any citizen who chooses to buy real estate in Turkey to obtain Turkish citizenship in exchange for a real estate investment of $ 250,000 can apply directly after obtaining the citizenship to the procedures for obtaining a Turkish passport within a maximum period of one month.
The foreigner who applied to the relevant departments to obtain the Turkish passport obtains the ordinary passport that we explained at the top of the article with the possibility that it is valid for ten years without any need for any renewal during this period.
The Turkish passport grants a foreigner all civil, medical, social, and even political rights, such as voting in elections and contributing to its political, economic, and social decision-making.
The process of obtaining a Turkish passport depends on steps, which we mention as follows:
- Book an appointment to apply for a Turkish passport through the website.
- Pay the dues or the passport cost, which we will detail below through the various post offices located in all regions, or as it is called PTT, provided that the foreigner focuses on the point of receiving the payment receipt to present it later in the file.
- Going to the Civil Affairs Department and not missing the booked appointment accompanied by the following documents:
- biometric photos
- receipt of payment received by the PTT Foundation
- residence proof document
- property purchase contract in Turkey or lease contract in case of applying in another way
- reservation form filled out and signed by the concerned person to apply for On the Turkish passport
- Wait a month at the latest to receive the Turkish passport, as it is sent to the address registered in the file submitted to the Population Department.
Turkish passport costs for foreigners
Like all countries of the world, obtaining a Turkish passport entails fees, whether for native or foreign citizens who have acquired Turkish nationality. In general, the fees vary according to the validity period of the passport. It may also witness a rise associated with high taxes in Turkey, and prices are divided into Turkish lira into:
- The validity period of the Turkish passport is 6 months: 170 Turkish liras.
- The validity period of the Turkish passport is one year: 249 Turkish liras.
- The validity period of the Turkish passport "two years": 405 Turkish liras.
- The validity period of the Turkish passport is 3 years, 575 Turkish liras.
- The validity period of the Turkish passport is from 4 to 10 years: 811 Turkish liras.
As for the additional fees or the so-called Turkish passport book fees, they are estimated at 133 Turkish liras, increasing annually according to the increase that is approved in the Turkish tax law.
In general, with a simple calculation, if the foreigner wants to obtain a Turkish passport for ten years, his expenses will be in the range of 1000 Liras, equivalent to approximately 145 US dollars according to the exchange rate at the time of writing the words of this article, by calculating the passport and book fees and also the expenses of extracting the rest of the documents of the application file.