Sales of properties in Turkey to foreigners achieve the highest level despite the falling lira:

Sales of properties in Turkey to foreigners achieve the highest level despite the falling lira:

عقارات تركيا

In the journey to search for the land of dreams, where you find paradise on earth that is what drives thousands, but millions of people, from all corners of the globe to a specific spot of this vast world, which is Turkey, the country located in the heart of the world, extends bridges connecting the east and the west of the earth and its cities and countryside combine a mosaic mix of races and cultures


And Turkey, as many call it, is God’s paradise on earth, as it possesses integrated beauty factors that only a few countries in the world possess.

Wherever you end up in Turkey, you will be enchanted by the splendor and rare and different beauty, which may captivate your heart and motivate you to desire to live in it.

We would not have exaggerated when we said that these reasons are the most important motives that drive thousands of foreigners every year to own properties in Turkey only in order to enjoy this comfortable and well-off life even on holidays only.


Properties purchases in Turkey from foreigners reach its highest levels in 2019:

Far from depicting the aesthetics of Turkish cities, the numbers and statistics support this statement, as official data of the General Directorate of Land Registry and Land Survey of the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urban Development showed real estate sales record for foreigners in Turkey during the past year, a record compared to the past ten years, while citizens of Arab countries came first in the List of most-bought foreigners.


According to the same source, during the year 2019, property sales by foreigners in Turkey reached 67,322 properties, and the Iraqis were the ones who came at first in the list of purchase processes of properties in Turkey, followed by the British, then the Germans, Russians, and citizens of Saudi Arabia


In this year, which is 2019, 6 thousand and 307 real estate lands, 61 thousand and 15 apartments were purchased by 63,986 foreign citizens, according to what was published by the official Anatolia Agency.

The citizens of Britain, Germany and Greece top the list of most buying properties in Turkey among the European Union countries in all the past years.

As for the states and Turkish cities that witnessed the largest number of property purchases, they are in order, Istanbul, Bursa and Mugla, 

 Also, the purchases of apartments in Istanbul and Antalya by foreigners were also the highest

As 25,872 apartments were sold, 7,000 in Istanbul and 266 apartments were bought in the Esenyurt region alone.

A 19% increase in the percentage of property purchases in Turkey by foreigners has been recorded in the first ten months of last year compared to the same period in the previous year. About 31,000 homes were purchased in this period

In general, sales of Turkish properties to foreigners peaked in the tenth month of last year, i.e. in October 2019, compared to the sector's sales during the previous months of this year.


What drives all these numbers of foreigners and different nationalities to buy properties in Turkey with these high numbers?

Many factors drive foreigners to buy homes and apartments in Turkey for different purposes, whether for stability or investment

In addition to the charming beauty that this country and which we always talk about and describe, other things that are more material contribute greatly to pushing these numbers of people of different nationalities to a country like Turkey in order to own a property in it

The purchase and transfer of property for foreigners in Turkey is easy and less complicated than other countries where the stranger is dealt with as the Turkish citizen in this aspect.

Also, property prices in Turkey are reasonable, very appropriate and not exaggerated, as is the case in European countries, for example.

 In the end, you buy an apartment or house in one of the most beautiful parts of the land and one of the most urbanized and developed countries, as you get a property with high quality qualities each this is for not much


The other issue is the temptations that the Turkish government offers to attract the largest number of foreign investors to invest in the Turkish real estate market, the most important of which is the issue of obtaining Turkish citizenship from owning a property worth 250 thousand dollars.