Turkey's plan to attract more than 70 million tourists | Al Huda

Turkey's plan to attract more than 70 million tourists by the year 2023

خطة تركية نحو استقطاب 70مليون سائح بحلول 2023

With the rapid development that the Turkish economy is witnessing recently, the #turkish_government is working really hard to put developing plans that can help the country to achieve a better economy that can compete the world's greatest economies.

The touristic section in Turkey is considered one of the most important pillars for the economy, that’s why the government has put a plan to attract more than 70 million tourists by the year 2023.

The minister of foreign affairs Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has mentioned that turkey has a plan to make 70 billion dollars just from the tourism section’s incomes by the centennial of the Turkish republic foundation in the year 2023.

Çavuşoğlu has also cleared that he is certain that Turkey has the abilities to make 50 billion dollars at least in 2023 just from the #medical_tourism section.

Turkey is one of the most #important_touristic_sites_in_the_world as it has the most #beautiful_touristic_places for those who loves pure nature and historical monuments exploring.

The first city that comes to mind when we talk about #touristic_cities_in_turkey is the city of Istanbul with its unique charming nature and historical Ottoman mosques, museums and palaces, in addition to the beaches, parks and the international hotel series.

Not to mention that Istanbul is also considered the economic capital of Turkey and the first attraction point for investors who want to #purchase_apartmants_in_istanbul.

As a lot of tourists and investors attend it from all over the world, Istanbul is important for the development of the Turkish economy in addition to other Turkish touristic cities such as #Bursa, #Antalya, #Trabzon and #Fethiye.

What also worth mentioning about this matter the fact that the #turkish_government is willing to energize the tourism section in the country by instructing more entertaining facilities and taking care of the natural reserves and also by providing more facilities for the tourists.