After-sales services .. How does Alhuda manage your properties in Turkey?
The services provided by Alhuda Real Estate Company are classified in the list of the most integrated real estate services in Turkey, given its distinguished by the quality of performance at prices that suit all investors, and among these services is "Property Management", through which Alhuda guarantees a diverse package for the client or foreign investor, similar to the real estate leaseback, help in furniture, checking, maintaining, and paying all the property’s monthly dues, returns, and other periodic bills, up to selling the property with a high return and a great investment yield.
Alhuda Real Estate is keen to provide its various services to its foreign clients from the moment they think about real estate investment in Turkey to the after-sales services or what is known as property management, through which it aims to ensure the comfort of the foreign customer in taking care of everything related to his property.
What is the property management service?
Property management service is the process by which the supervision of the various types of properties, whether residential, commercial or industrial is modeled on the villas, apartments, offices, shops, companies, and shopping centers so that the property management company on behalf of the real owner of the property undertakes the tasks of preserving the property and collecting the various profits.
The property management company assists owners to establish budgets, announce the properties offered for lease, collect the rent, and maintain the properties by following up their periodic maintenance against a certain fee or a specific percentage agreed-upon selling the property manager and the property owner.
Turkey property management service is considered one of the most important services provided by Alhuda Real Estate Company to its newly owned clients or those who own property in Turkey and want to manage their properties whether during their absence and travel or through leasing it.
After-sales service packages offered by Alhuda Real Estate to its clients
Below is Alhuda Real Estate company offering you a package of real estate management in Turkey, so your task remains to choose the most suitable one and contact us to secure it for you immediately:
The property and facilities management is considered one of the distinguished and diversified services that take into account the requirements of clients according to plans and strategies that meet the development in future needs, and it is more than necessary to ensure a successful and managed investment in a structured and sound manner to maintain the high operational quality of the property.
The customer who chooses Alhuda Real Estate company to buy a property in Turkey finds it very easy to benefit from all after-sales services.