Bolu .. an unmatched charm

Bolu in Turkey… getting ready to welcome more than million tourist this year

تعرف على اجمل الاماكن السياحية في مدينة بولو

The city of Bolu located in northwestern Turkey is considered one of the most beautiful tourist places in Turkey, but in recent years it has also become one of the best areas for buying a property in Turkey, as it has witnessed over the past years great popularity among tourists and investors.


It is also characterized by its capturing nature of Abant lake and the Gucuk park surrounding it, which gives its visitors a special kind of experience in the arms of nature away from the city’s hustle.


Bolu .. an unmatched charm


Bolu lovers call it the "heart of nature" because it contains many tourist attractions and breathtaking views, parks, and one of the most beautiful reserves of Turkey, "the seven lakes" with its dazzling beauty that fascinates all its visitors.


And the reserve consists of 7 lakes over two plateaux, 100 meters above each other, and between them, small waterfalls are surrounded by various types of trees, plants, birds, and animals.


Nature is not the only feature of Bolu, as the visitor finds himself in front of the succession of historical civilizations, the most prominent of which is the Ottoman civilization, as the city of Goynuk still maintains its Ottoman archaeological character, which qualified it to obtain the opportunity to join the list of "sleeping city" in the year 2017, which attracts annually thousands of visitors that prefer to spend their holidays enjoying its ancient streets and quiet atmosphere.


Bolu .. more than a million visitors, despite Corona


Once the gradual return to normal life in Turkey started due to the retreat of the Coronavirus, the city of Bolu started planning to receive one million visitors by the end of this year, after receiving more than one million and 700 thousand tourists during the year 2019.


To ensure the safety of all tourists who come to it, Bolu municipality made sure to implement all preventive measures on the tourist establishments within the framework of the safe tourism program in Turkey, which is based mainly on the rules of social distancing.


In this regard, all-natural parks scattered in the state of Polo and tourist facilities such as hotels and tourist villas came into service, observing all strict preventive measures to preserve the health of its visitors who can come to them and wander with comfort in Golcuk, Abant, the seven lakes, historical streets and archaeological alleys of Moderno and Goynuk.


 Hotels in Bolu will provide masks to tourists during their stay and will guarantee them all the conditions for sterilization, hygiene, and non-transmission of the Corona infection even if a resident carries the virus.


Tourism in the thermal springs in Bolu in recent years has also witnessed a remarkable recovery, as the number of thermal facilities in it increases day after day, which makes it compete with other Turkish cities leading in this type of tourism.


Safe tourism in Turkey


 The safe tourism program in Turkey includes the owners of facilities and tourists at the same time and depends on some conditions that take into account the conditions imposed by the spread of the Corona pandemic, including:

  • Redesigning the corporate and restaurant spaces in line with the conditions of hygiene and social distancing.
  • Safe transportation of tourists to their residence centers and hosting them by taking into consideration the precautionary measures from Corona.
  • Daily reassurance on the health status of both workers and visitors to Turkey's tourist destinations.
  • Regular monitoring and inspection of accommodation, food and drink facilities, and hiking and transport vehicles that tourists use daily.
  • Monthly examination of health safety certificates through a field inspection of tourist establishments with a warning if any defect is detected during the inspection and cancellation of the certificate if it continues.
  • Submit posters to the tourist establishments after the end of the examination process, with it obligatory to affix them to the entrances and visible points.
  • Hotels' obtaining safe tourism certificates will not be complete until after meeting 132 special criteria from the moment the customer enters the hotel to the state of emergency and sanitary isolation, as well as 120 standards for eating, food and drink spaces, and 44 standards for transport and touring vehicles and adhere the conditions of social distance and hygiene within the rooms and elevators.
  • The necessity for health facility workers to obtain Covid-19 pandemic special training as a prerequisite for obtaining a safe health tourism certificate while continuing to provide periodic basic training to employees explaining to them plans and standards for their and the tourists' safety.
  • The necessity of the tourist establishments to have precautionary plans provided in at least three languages ​​explaining the precautionary measures against the pandemic and make it easy to understand by tourists from all countries without the need for a translation service every time.
  • The necessity of the tourist facilities having special clothes, equipment, and masks to prevent the spread of the virus.
  • Permanent measurement of body temperature using a thermal sensor or thermal cameras at the entry and exit of employees with the recording of biometric facial definitions.
  • The necessity for all tourist establishments to draw up a plan to deal with emergency or suspicious cases or tourists who show symptoms.
  • Allocating rooms for isolation inside hotels if a case was discovered, and taking all necessary measures to clean them after use by patients.
  • The necessity of putting blankets, mattresses, and clothes of the tourist who is affected by the Coronavirus in plastic bags and sending them to a laundry outside the hotel.
  • The necessity of providing all tourist establishments with antiseptic, alcoholic, and protective equipment in reception halls and restaurant tables, with a preference for electronic payment instead of cash payment.
  • Continuous disinfection after every use of frequently used equipment such as the hotel room card, towel, reception bell, elevator buttons, restaurant chairs, etc.
  • Leave a distance of at least 1,5 meters between tables in restaurants and 60 cm between chairs.
  • All water heaters, televisions, controllers, and air conditioners are sterilized after any tourists leave the hotel room.
  • Removing buffets, tea and coffee machines, self-use drinks and water spills, and replacing them with the direct service.