Real estate accommodation in Turkey | Al Huda Real Estate

Real estate accommodation in Turkey

الإقامة العقارية في تركيا

The real estate accommodation is given to the person who buys a #property_in_turkey and it’s two years that are renewable, it is also given to those who establish a business or a company and purchase a property on its name.

When it comes to making the ownership of a property to the company, then the beneficiary of this law are the foreign who can’t own a property in Turkey like the Syrians, where this law gives them the ability to own a property on the name of the company and obtain the real estate accommodation.

The real estate accommodation is given to the owner’s family as well, and the steps to get this type of accommodation are so simple and easy and it takes one month on maximum from the date of the submission to get the reply.

The real estate accommodation is considered the most guaranteed where the property owner and his family guarantees a recurring renewal, where other types of accommodations or their renewal are sometimes rejected.

The papers needed to obtain the real estate accommodation:

The property’s title deed

Earthquake Insurance

Health insurance

A valid passport

A family statement certificated and translated to Turkish