Buying property in Istanbul

Select consultants from Alhuda as your partner and you'll never regret


The most robust principles of achieving the desired goals while buying a property in Turkey depend on the selection process, and for the best choice, you should go to the best advisor to help make the best decision!

The above phrase summarizes the importance of counseling in all aspects of life, and precisely for those who are coming on significant steps in their lives, such as "real estate investment in Turkey," which needs a lot of real estate consultations by experts and specialists in the real estate market.

 Alhuda, for the real estate investment team, provides accurate consultations to clients who want to know the offers for buying a property in Istanbul, Turkey, without interruption to clarify all aspects of their future capital.


Alhuda Real Estate


What is meant by real estate consulting in Turkey?

Real estate companies provide many services before, during, and after selling property in Turkey. Among the essential functions of buying a property in Istanbul or other cities in Turkey, we find a consulting service that means providing information and expectations studied by experts of the real estate company to the foreign investor. 

In Turkey, real estate consulting in Alhuda Real Estate Company is based on the data provided by the client who wants to invest through owning a property. Alhuda expert team converts these data into a professional strategy that can be embodied shortly, which will double the profits for the financial assets provided by the foreign investor in Turkey.

The real estate consultancy service provided by Alhuda, a Real Estate company, includes providing complete information about the property to be purchased and making a safe investment strategy. Based on the client's desires and requirements in the first place, the Alhuda team searches for the appropriate investment until the property matches the required specifications of the customer interested in real estate investment in Turkey.


Real estate consultation at Alhuda Real Estate Company

Alhuda Real Estate team is watching, moment by moment, developments in Turkey's economic scene and all the factors affecting real estate, from new laws and decisions to the prices of property in Turkey 2020 and others.

Alhuda Real Estate Advisors share this information daily with clients wishing to invest in real estate in Turkey, whether through daily posts on the pages of social media sites or direct communication with customers via phone numbers.

These data and updates that Alhuda puts within the customer's reach contribute to helping him in making a careful choice of the property and thus creating a successful investment.

The real estate consultancy process provided by Alhuda experts for investors wishing to own property in Turkey passes through the following steps:

  • Provide a detailed field and market analysis of the property to be purchased in Turkey.
  • Answer all inquiries related to each project in the real estate market separately.
  • Study the appropriateness of real estate investment with the specifications required by the investor.
  • Assist the client in developing his outlook on Turkey's real estate market by providing him with new information about the real estate market.
  • Presenting real estate project proposals suitable for the budget of the client wishing to own property in Turkey.
  • Undertaking an investment and financial feasibility study of the property to be purchased.
  • Explain the definite advantages and negative indicators of the park with all credibility.
  • Study the availability of clean conditions in the park and the investor who wants to own the property.
  • Presenting the right purchase plan for the property in Turkey and explaining all its steps.
  • Providing free legal advice for those wishing to know how to obtain Turkish citizenship by investment or in exchange for buying a property with a value of 250 thousand dollars.

Like what we mentioned in detail, Alhuda Real Estate company included providing its clients with successful real estate consultations to buy the most suitable real estate among the best housing projects and the most promising urban areas in Turkey.

Alhuda, through its team of experts, continues to accompany foreign investors at all stages of buying a property in Turkey since the first thought and until obtaining the title deed. Then the procedures for obtaining Turkish citizenship for those wishing to carry a Turkish passport. In addition to providing various after-sales services, the most important of which is helping the investor to guarantee of re-renting or selling the property with high-profit returns.

Al Huda also works with its team to provide all the practical and evolving details for those who choose to purchase apartments in Turkey.